יום שני, 13 באפריל 2009

Treatment for Anxiety and Panic Disorder

Reset The Panic Button and Learn How to Treat Panic Attacks The Easy Effective Way

My friend Nancy was actually hyper when I had visited her six months ago. She would constantly discuss about experiencing panic while driving a car, having painful shyness around people, a persistent chest pain and a list of other such abnormalities. My doubt became clear when she told me one day, “I am feeling completely out of control. Every time I go inside a departmental store, I feel I will never come out alive”. This made my mind open to the idea that Nancy might be experiencing panic attacks. Anxiety and panic attacks were slowly but steadily ruining her marriage, her career and life. She had already tried hundreds of treatments and medications but her attacks seemed to get only worse. I had in fact, read a lot about panic attacks before and knew that the symptoms were clearly what I had earlier doubted and required a lot of patience to actually get cured of it. I decided to probe into the subject further and made it a point to help her get cured. I was determined to know the minutest detail of how to treat panic attacks.

The Experiment Begins

I started visiting her more often. I made a list of points regarding her symptoms. The symptoms were really very diverse. It was not that she was prone to attacks only when she was outside her home; she was equally anxious about things in her own known environment also. I had read somewhere that one of the most frightening aspects of panic attacks is the fear of “losing control”. It was these “control issues” that all panic attack sufferers must learn to deal with in order to overcome them. I took Nancy to a specialized doctor who listed down the usual symptoms that usually frequent anxiety prone people. They were:

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Sweating
  3. Chest Pain
  4. Nausea/Stomach Upset
  5. Shaking
  6. Dizziness
  7. Tingling or Numb hands
  8. Rapid heart beat
  9. Fear of dying/thinking that you are going to die
  10. Feeling hot or cold
  11. Fear of going crazy
  12. Losing control
  13. Excessive Yawning
  14. Embarrassing Blushing
  15. Obsessive Thoughts
  16. Headaches
  17. Swallowing difficulties
  18. Fear of flying
  19. Insomnia/other sleeping disorders
  20. Painful shyness around people

What Is The Best Way to Deal With Panic Attacks?

The Doctor also briefed us that each person experiences his/her own set of anxiety symptoms differently but most have a combination of the above mentioned ones. He told us that it is not uncommon for a person who has experienced a panic attack, to develop a fear of future panic attacks. This fear actually forms a vicious circle wherein the “fear of fear” acts as a trigger for further attacks. The Doctor showed us light by suggesting that the process of treating panic attacks is very much possible and within our reach. He suggested to us to find out about the Linden method and how to treat panic attacks. He enlisted certain actions to be performed by Nancy whenever she experienced panic attacks. They were:

  1. Try to prevent the attack from starting/Nipping it in the bud
  2. Create a solid foundation on which anxiety and panic attacks cannot exist
  3. Stop the urge to “check” each and every symptom that all panic attack sufferers do constantly.
  4. Start your day without thinking about or apprehending panic attacks that may or may not occur.
  5. Start afresh.
  6. Try to restart all the pending activities/challenges that you had earlier given up due to anxiety attacks
  7. Create mental and physical balance
  8. Foresee future as an Anxiety free world.
  9. Abandon all negativity
  10. Behave positively with others and yourself

The Purpose

the Panic Away method does not involve any kind of medications, hypnosis or exercises. It is just the creation of tension free mind: a mind which recognizes light, and not darkness. Panic attacks have nothing to with physical abnormalities, it is a state of mind and Linden method aims at treating this mental state. panic away method is pure applied science. Every panic attack sufferer has a condition which is stored and activated by a small organ in the brain. The name of this organ is “Amygdala”. Scientists have confirmed that Amygdala is instrumental in controlling anxiety disorders. Now, in order to treat panic attacks, this miniscule of an organ need to be addressed directly. This is exactly what Linden method does- It talks directly with Amygdala, persuading it to change its behavior!

This discussion of ours with the doctor had indeed left us spellbound. We yearned to know more of this method so that we could use it to our need. We learned that in case of anxiety disorder persons, the Amygdala has been re-set at a higher than normal level of anxiety and this is why one experiences inappropriate panic sensations and anxiety. In the same way as our mind creates symptoms through suggestions (thinking about a delicious ice cream makes our tongue salivate), anxiety is also conditioned in a similar way. People become re-programmed to respond with panic even if it is inappropriate. Thus, by and large, they become anxiety prone. The Linden method provides empathy, support, knowledge and of course, the solution.

After having learnt all of this about the panic away method and the panic attacks, Both Nancy and I felt that anxiety disorder was absolutely and completely curable. panic away Method aims at the permanent cure of this disorder and that is why it is very commendable. Nancy started the treatment of her panic attacks by panic away method and she was a changed person within a very few days. It was all about believing in the treatment itself.

I recommend all persons who wish to have an anxiety free life to visit Panic Away and adopt the measures mentioned in it. We can learn all about how to treat panic attacks very well. It actually works and works towards a fulfilling and positive framework of the mind.

Go back to treatment for anxiety to learn more.